pity party

You are at the pity party. You are the guest of honor, along with the why’s. Why does this always happen to me? Why do I even try? Why am I so stupid/gullible/lame? Why does he/she always do that to me? The why’s are so seductive. They just love pity parties. Their specialty is killing creativity. They are quick retrievers of all the memories and dis-empowering beliefs that are buried in your consciousness. They even make up some, and are so convincing that when you are at the pity party you believe them.

So how to break the spell? You have to set a deadline. When you become aware that you are at the party (sometimes it can take a while to realize this), set a deadline for the end. Like soon, later today at the latest. Easier read than done, you say? Well start practicing. Notice the why’s, and change them to wise. Wise questions are the ones you ask that inspire creativity.
What is this emotion trying to tell me?
Who can I enlist to help with this?
What else could this mean?
What is good about me?
When did I feel this way before and what did I do to get over it?

“We must cultivate our garden.” – Voltaire