
Pray, read, write, dream, reflect. As a part of my daily intentional activities I reflect. What does that look like? Yesterday it looked like me sitting in my quiet place (the low sofa in our never used “front room”) with noise cancelling headphones on, listening to music softly in the background. I closed my eyes and went back in my mind over the past 24 hours, event by event. What stood out the most was the impromptu meal our 3 boys joined us in around the kitchen counter. When they were younger we would always have family dinner at the table, everyone in their designated spots, but somehow as they have matured, gotten jobs and other priorities, the family dinner has gone away. So this was a rare and precious treat. Everyone was in great spirits as we stood around the kitchen counter enjoying our meal while connecting about our day. The boys were involved in their own little side conversation about what I can only speculate was the latest news about a game they had been waiting for. I locked eyes with James for a moment and gave a little prayer of thanks for this magic moment in our lives.

I am sometimes guilty of taking for granted the beautiful gifts and moments like this that happen every day in my life. I can remember vividly the feeling that I would never ever be able to go out to lunch with my husband. When we had one location and were cogs in the wheel there was no way we could have both stepped away for a lunch date, and it was always with a little envy that I would notice other people doing this in my restaurant. But just 2 days ago I was able to not only go to lunch with my love, but also go on a bike ride and get my booty kicked on a super steep hill. These moments are the stuff our lives are made of, and the process of reflection for me has taken off the blinders and shown me again and again how much good there is in life.

As an achiever I often struggle with wanting BIG and MORE and HARDER, but thankfully I am learning to listen to the softer voice inside that reminds me that everything I desire is here right now, and to know that anything I strive for is in search of a feeling. In search of contentment- and that contentment comes when we appreciate and notice what is right in front of us…another key to happiness.