
This July 4th I am more consciously aware of the freedoms we take for granted, and the one that is our base innate freedom that many of us don’t embrace. I am talking about the freedom of thought. We have absolute control over what we think about, and no matter what our life situation, we have the freedom to choose the meaning we give to what we experience. I am not in any way discounting the feelings of grief, pain and oppression, but I am talking about thoughts here, not emotions.

Thoughts are a little like habits. Its like when you go to Baskin Robbins and look at their 31+ flavors and default to Rocky Road. Or when faced with a big menu your choice is a Caesar Salad. There are so many choices, why do we always go with more of the same? We have pathways in our brain that the more we follow them (the thoughts) the stronger the path gets. Its a giant network of cables in there, and every time you follow the cable that leads to your disempowering thoughts, it wraps another layer around the original cable, making it stronger. It takes a tremendous strength of will to start untangling the cables and choose a different path.

I am here to tell you that it is possible, and we all have that strength inside us. It means becoming self aware, aware of your thoughts and the effect they have on your emotions. I know it is possible because I am doing it. If I can do it, I promise so can you. I was one of the most unaware self imposed helplessly slaved to my thoughts person you can think of. I truly believed that I could not control what I was feeling. To finally recognize the truth that I am in control of that inner voice was the beginning of the true freedom to enjoy this life to the fullest.