journey to presence

I can look back at my entire life and appreciate and notice how everything I have experienced has allowed me to grow. Some of the most painful experiences are the greatest teachers.

I spent so much time and energy looking for the secret- how to be happy, not realizing it is just a choice. So liberating to get that. To realize that no matter what happens during this life experience, I an have peace and joy if I jut center myself, and remember that I am here to enjoy life.

The big revelation for me right now is to surrender. That means to stop resisting what is in my life. By resisting or having ANY resentment or negativity towards my current situation, I am blocking any transformation, and really perpetuating more of the very thing I am rejecting.

It is one thing to intellectually know something to be true, to read, learn study. That is all very right brained – to really know something you need to know it/accept it with your heart, or your true self. This means to surrender. You can never figure out how to do this with your mind, it is the examiner examining itself. The fish asking what is water.

The ego wants certainty – this is what keeps it safe.

We don’t realize we are powerful beings, and our reality is our own creation. Change the way you look at your life situations- attach a new meaning.

This is happening FOR me ((to learn and grow)) not TO me ((victim))

Everything is constantly changing. That is the only certainty there is. The world of things will always grow then die. The only thing that never changes is your true self.