more time

“What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.” Dwight Eisenhower

Time. We all just have 24 hours in a day, yet why do people say they don’t have enough? It’s the most common excuse I hear, “I didn’t have enough time”. How is it that some people are able to accomplish so much more in their 24 hours than others?

When you are spending your time on what is important, instead of the urgent things that clamor so noisily for our attention, you get more time. Not more time exactly, but more time in the zone where it matters. It’s important to show your partner you love them daily through your words and actions, or you will have an urgent problem when you grow apart. Its important to pay your taxes, or you will definitely have an urgent issue when the Fed catches up with you. If you spend the time connecting with your team, working side by side and sharing and learning about who they are, when it’s crazy busy and you need a helping hand they will be there for you.

It takes focus and a conscious intent to spend your time on the important things that will help build the foundation for handling the inevitable urgent things that life brings your way. In our organization we train our leaders that the MOST important job they have is to support and be there for their team. Of course there are duties and tasks and responsibilities that are important to running a successful business, you have to place your vendor orders, make schedules, respond to emails, talk to clients…BUT you will always be running from behind, putting out fires, if you fail to understand the most simple truth. People are what matter. Your team will help you sail, or they will sink you. The deciding factor is if you have made the time to support them and be there for them – get this – When it matters to them. Not when it is convenient for you.