
I was not prepared to remember this acronym days later, but I have to say, it really stuck. It reminds me about the inner saboteur that lives in my head. I haven’t listened to her droning nagging in a long time. I think I was lulled into thinking that she was gone for good!

She occasionally will still pipe in, but her voice is weaker and is usually just an irritating annoyance. Actually it really makes me curious when that self doubt starts chiming in, what is she so afraid of anyway?

Just when I have things figured out and am rolling forward on an important vision, up comes the fear just like acid reflux. Sometimes its really obvious, like “What makes you think you can do that? Look at her, she is way more together than you, and she’s still trying to figure it out.”, or “You’ve just been lucky.” and “You’re not as good as people think you are” But as she gets ignored, she has become sneakier and more subtle in her strategy. She tries to convince me that I didn’t want to anyway. Yup, straight works to talk me out of whatever goal or vision or dream that I am pursuing so hotly. “You don’t want to really do that anyway, its too hard! Life is good, be present, forget striving” All great advice, but the intent behind it when coming from the saboteur is pure doubt and fear.

So I’m at this function, and the speaker has some good messages, but I am so distracted analyzing her delivery and wondering why she is not telling more personal stories, that I almost missed this jewel of wisdom. She told a story of a professor she had that was a very confident, well dressed and successful woman who seemed to always have it together. As she graduated college, she asked the professor for a few words of advice. “Professor, what advice do you have for me that can help to set me apart as I enter the work force?” The professor looked at her and said, “My only advice is always remember your ABC’s” She looked at the professor blankly, who then elaborated, “Always Be Confident. In all of your interactions remember to always be confident. That is the key to set you apart and ensure your success in life.”

As I drive home from the event, I am getting lured into the venus trap of doubt. The new vision that is percolating in my heart and mind is getting pelted with negativity and distrust. Suddenly, ABC pops into my consciousness. Always Be Confident- and the cloud lifts.