
I learn about love and devotion every day from my dog Lucky. He waits for me for me to wake up and let him out every morning, and if I stay in bed later than 6:10 he talks to me and lets me know through a quiet squeak that its time.

He is eternally present, and never holds a grudge. He is always happy to see me, even if I just went to the mailbox. He perches under my desk on his fluffy pillow, curled up in a ball if his hair is short, and guards me against any intruders.

He doesn’t speak in words, but somehow I understand when he wants me to pet him and scratch his ears. He is alert and present and open to follow my every mood. If I go to the other room he follows, if I sit on the couch he is on my shoulder, and if I sit long enough he will kiss my ear. He greets me with unbridled joy and love if I leave and return.