your body

One week into my shoulder injury pain and I realize there is a lesson for me, many in fact.

The first one is that life takes time. You can’t rush certain things, healing most especially. More deeply I realize that by fighting the pain, either through painkillers or my psychology, just makes the pain worse and doesn’t get rid of the issue. I need to continue to give love to my body, to take care of it and to stop judging what I perceive are my imperfections.

For our time here right now we are given one body. If we give it love not judgment, and fuel it well, it will continue to operate at prime performance for us. If there is a part of your body you have not given love to, start now. Love your long toes, they are on the feet that so efficiently get you from here to where you want to go. Love your hands, they let you write and cook and caress and hold hands. Love your crooked teeth, they work just fine to bite into a juicy, sweet apricot.

Hold yourself kindly and lovingly. Forgive yourself for the fear that has sometimes controlled your actions. Know that you have always done the best you can do at the moment. It is only in retrospect that we judge our own actions. Stop Now.